- :(cordaitredfronsirat pagei) (Meant« end Mobile, andoze AO Bat, 11Mtelbreiten Crkiirlito larau4 ,; lter, Meet_ imrertinf jai the - ' 4l rtillheteirneOilMlir r en - deterterbylhia rebate as Att.temablel• in & the -- on ;the 13euthein coast, ' 3- thidiAl trim 'wakened' by- oarless it Midterm; has apci Rita: in 'eiAdeinici felt at the mealh - of the %Rio Grande; and. the G;df Of ,Mex ico, *hleh, in the:drOente of the Cotton Plate coo; Asettatona mit - , to- be Ake Mediterranean sea of a thonthern`etilpire ea vast as that of Rome, is to theta • fult!;of terrors, or the - highway of the de mteivezi Of.tbelr ambitions' and guilty *Acmes ;, Alt& ht the intexleatiOn" Of atitleipated Stiritapti, they saw. eigeigetrlinten itith tho more than golden . ileeett , of the settee fields, giving them,sapretnacy,xer the 'nom:mate of the world, ,aeed,f , WI that glisfens,:. and every limoke that Adele ofet:the waters, caoftes them to' quake with fresh alarms. • ;= the'titatemeit reeintlimade,"that the ; Rebel Qs ,vestment hidAprOposed to M. Seward to exatange Union soldiers in their hands for fugitive staves, is • demied, - . le/delay_ of sneesa. In a letfer to the American minister •at St. ‘Pe ',tereburg,lerwarded by tho last steamer, Prince 'aerainikoff says : "The 'Emperor has never ceased to avow his hopes for the grandeur of the Ameri can Union." , • • , • ‘' The Arms Purchased an Europe. Colonel Schuyler, who purchased arms in En rote for the Government, has reportelat Washing ton. The entire purchase of arms abroad amounts to near three hundred thousand stand. Tho arms mightiolio'good, as the highest price was paid-- averaging, it is said, sllra gun, rushing about five millions of dollors'isoith. • Affairs at 'Romney, 'Western Virginia. A Romney correspondent of the Cincinnati Times, under date of December 23, says : Gen. Kellyis; undoubtedly , a good and able sol dier, and is doiugull that is in his power to pre pare Romney for an attack from as many foram as they may bring to hear against us. _Every day there is a squad detailed .from each company and regi ment with abovels, - and Mao, and axes, to throw np intrenctinenta. APMns.Y: is:now well fortified,, and has troops encsSW.M keep at bay all the forces old Governor Vie can bring against us., The 7th Ohio, Col. Tyler, and the l i ourteenth Indiana, Col. Kimbal, of Cheat - Mountain notoriety, arrived a day. or two ago, and several Other regiments are to be' here to-day or to-morrow. - " - - . The" h`tibstit,ntis.for Messrs. , Mason and • - • _ . (From the Toronto Leader,-December Seine days since it' Was 'stated Malin Breokin lidgi, Jute of the United Stela§ Semite, but now of the Eouthern Confederacy, hid 'sailed in one of the Cunard steamerassexubassader to England in plane of ilfr:lfaton. . 4 ,Then it was said the statement was incorrect. It proves, however,•to•have been true, as trilL'be seen from the following paragraph, which weitake from the Halifax (N. B.),Express, of the 13thIdtimo - . ~ts2Boime few weeks ago itwaaannounced in a de li • . te this paper, that immediately on the re hid of the . :inteiligenee.of the capture. of Moura. BU ell aid Meson in the Southern States k Measra. Banter and Brockinridge . had= been appointed in theleplace —mod that the latter would make his way on -to' Halifax .and proceed in the Canard steamer to Europo. 7 The despatch tame out, to bo &meet' Mi. 'Brecicinridge, it appears, arrived here about a week ago, aceomparned by another gentleman, and took passage this morning in the , Canada for England. - It appears that the autho rities in Boston were aware of this - fast of Mr. Breckinridge coming here; andlhe attorney gene ral, ofßeaton sent -a -notice to the captain of the, Canada; -previous to hicialling from Boston, for bidding ..htm taking Breokinridge onboard. : We lam - that Captain Muir very quietly replied that be was not supposed to .know who his passengers were ; and he would like to see any passenger taken out-of his ship, while under the protection of the British flag. It is also stated that a similar notice was served on the captain of the Canada here; but, we are informed that no notice was taken of it, and Mr. Breckieridge is now on hoard the steam ship en rouse for Europe." 'rroin Fortran Monroe. • fair;niss Moarcon, December 31, via Baltimore. -4 mato who came into Camp Hamilton, this af ternoon, reports that a large camp of the enemy, at a place near Bethel, was broken up, and a general stampede took, lilacs, to Yorktown on Saturday night s _ They hod seven heavy howitzers, but they were all removed. The canoe of the alarm was a rumor-that an advance would be made by General Wool on Sunday. A flag of truce was sent by General Magruder to Hampton Bridge this afternoon, with a small pack ' age of letters for the North. Seven reberofficers compassed the party, and they remained for 'some time at Hampton, and appeared to be-niaking observations, and endeavoring to ob tain information .of our contemplated movements. Their appearance at. this time, and with such a small number of letters, leads to the supposition that they were desirotui of asoertsdniog the truth of the current rumor of an adiance on our side. Edward Johnson, captain of the naval brigade, who has been found guilty of earionsmisdemennore by col/rt./partial, and eenteneed to be dismissed from the service, has had his sentence confirmed by General Wool. , Our Boston Letter CHRIST/JAB IX BOSTON—MUM IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS—BuppLIKB FOR WIN BUTLER EXPEDI- TioN—THE rAuoll A NALLMiusills 'NuALX.IN HARICENS—TIIR DOLPHIN DISAII—AIUSHENBIITS— ,BIEW 1,10-1 . 118 WEATHER. Vorreepondeuee of The Frees.] Bosrow, December 30,18¢1. Christmas may at length be iaid td have become fairly adopted 613 a holiday in the' City . of the'Pri: AM. The desire for a reeopition of this day,. which should the gretit anniversary of all Christian denominations, has at length overcome the fear of being thought to follow the Romish Church, even in her most natural feast-day* and last Wednesday was as fully and heartily observed as our own peculiar " festival of Thanksgiving is Omani. Our stores were all closed; with the ex ception of, the jewelry and book and fanny goods stesia,' , Which kindly kept open a littlemlitle in the nierimni; to accommodate those luckless whO bad delayed until the last moment the pirrohaie of the necessary Christmas gifts ; the chartists were open, with an extra efort -for good and appropriate =mist, end Santa Clans ie cup poised to have paid the .city a very general visit, jidgbigfrom the large number of Ma agents—the anslits 'mammas and papas of our town—who were Tery bury buying-all aorta of prottY things the illy before. The tales of books, fancy 'geode, &e.,waajnet abOutthe same as usual—the expected falling off was hardly perceptible... At the Cathedral in ,Albany street, 'Weber's masa, in Gorraa given with tine effect by a largely. augmented choir, embracing acme of our best solo talent, with the Germania Bend as oroheetra. The production of the Oratorio of the Messiah, by the Handel and Haydn Society, is now a regular 'raft of Christmas festivities each peer, and. was sung entire bit night at Music, liall-=-Mrs. Long making her last appearanoe in public on the occa sion, `-Readers - of The Press will recollect her as a favorite"solo soprano singer. hereafter to haie special attention given it is ondpublic schools: An order was passed last week by The city government, authorising the pur- chase alarms for the Grammar schools; the hire of professional teachers of music s and a half day's tousled exhibition at the elate of the school year. The Dinging of Our, school children has always been a distinctive featuronpon all occasions of special public demonstrations, and, with the increased , etlliGee.for teaching them, there is every reason "to, believe their peithrinanees, in this respeot, will be worthy of Special futitre'pritise. • taiga" supplies of stores of all kinds are con stantly going aboard United States transports at theend,of Long nail, moot of them intended for the supply of Gen. Butler's espedition. The Con; atittoOn has returned from her link trip, with the freshness - taken Off bernew paint, end her gilding a little 'Wildest,' but looking better Than could beye:beil expected, after kniroking about the coast witlilliree,thonsaidsoldierson board: - The Twenty:eighth Regiment, known' as the Ballagh" Regiment, the last which is to be-recruit - ad under State authority; IS nearly full, MA has jilt been - armed with the Enfield ride. Col, - Monteith his. been ordered to report to Gen: girt• ler„aed the regiment, expects to get away beforo the tenth of January, and will probably go to Ship lehuld to . the, formidable .demonstration ,madethere , by Gen. Phelps. " ' Colonel 'Williams' Cavalry Regiment is going away 'piecemeal. The third battalion went on Eiattuday,andinily about four hundred men are now left in camp, end they will go in a few days. Occasionally -a - rquad of a hundred men is Sent o fy to join some regiment already in the "grand army,': and Aso catch sight" of occasional officers home for Christmas on furloughs ; but beyond these glimpses of war we.should - with difficulty realize there was.war at all. The streets ate just ai full, - and the merchants just, as, nitioh troubled by the new change in the dates on sugars, teas ; and coliese;as If we had never heard of secession. For novelty In ammtertients,vre have Gie,,whele at the 'Actuarial Gardena, harnessed and drawing a yeang lady 'aka' the large _Central 'tank ; the dolPhirt,; Which itan'treined to this ,week, found a diet of untie and pebble-atones,, which he triad, too bard for him, an died lOnileiltence• . The' Octoroon, wit hout the happy 'denouement which hue just been added tolt-in -London by Mr. Boucicault, Is still being played at the Mumps, while horses, men, women, and the epicene hold poiseadon of the Academy another week. Ticknor d Co. republish. the peanut of Win. Allingheru(and the memoirs of De Toequeville, by his friend Gustave de Beaumont, with many addi: tioal'of letters; Am; to the original edition. The author of Records of en Obscure Man also pub ' lista thicnigh • theni)i'new book in blank venal; ." Tragedy of Error," which, like Its ,predeceasor, -heats of the irreptssibte" negro question. Earn baimpabliabes Lillleetee r the "Diary of His. Her._ —-- , - .ChisloyAL 'Nichols have several' nen juveniles • and a volume of miseenanies, edited by J. IL Head, - with a .cnriOtillitle;', - the leading part of Jerrelit;'frout the elearryef. the Mind." • Up_steiiiherts aPPte_Priatatathe holidays, cold walk Idetitering, inakieg, one: very - glad, helm a . rraiiiitAlreado and ! a -warm dinner, ' stele% An; deWhiAlatings to thartinfortimatCiad-Ittge elsierWhishave neither fireside nor dinner, eicept frEcia elutrity Which flimsily more sold than the losable, ;.' - Heettait. '". illayesletytete , es, and the siXbre Oleavee, ' . llyewste Isylehed. evetywhere, .lasillieyearatosingithhile the scarlet lest* . .11% the, ettibtedfotest bows to the bleak alt. WALTER. LE CLARR; OR, THE writ! or SEOSSSION. That seen—they two so young and. fair-- 7 ith, well iiight angels weep tempter and , the tempted. Sad—with all woman's earnestness is striving to gain bar purpose--he wavers—two mighty elements struggle in opposition within his manly bosom; love for her who is about to prove a 'second Eve, and devotion to his country. Oh, how can he speak those words of refusal ; how disk)• point the ambition of her whom ho loved better than life? But he will speak—sho,is gazing with her own bright, beautiful eyes into the very depths of his soul-speaking orbi, as though she would read his answer' there ero it fell from his lips—they parted ; 'sound imlnd 'he was utmost spell bound. Never, never - had she appeared so regally handsoMe, yid* thought, as she stood bofere,hbn in her bewitching beauty ; and his' soul sickened at the thought of what one so queenly would. hare him do. A moment, and his answer. Slowly it came, and low ; yet so distinct that it might have been heard at the farthest oorner of that splendid drawing-room. "Mary, I am true to the Union and my court- " Then, Walter Le Claro, you have never loved rue, or else—" "Mary," ho began— " You are a contemptible coward !" rang on his tortured ear. He sprang to his feet. 'Twos a fear ful sight to see that brave loving man so strongly moved ; ho stood erect, with his arms tightly folded across his chest; the hot blood, madly leaping, freshly started through his swelling veins, dyed his whole face a burning red Ong the passion lasted not long, for the blood receding, left his forehead calm and white as snowy marble; the fire-light of indignation went out from the beautiful eye, and In place of its lurid glow, came back the oil love flame that used to sparkle there, together with a Mingled expression of reproach and forgiveness—a single glance—when, bowing low, he turned! and. was gone. * * * * And now, for an introduction to the persons, at whose conversation, contrary to the rules of good breeding, we have been uninvited listeners; rather late, perhaps—well, " better late than never." Mary Langley, at the period of her introduction to you, dear 'reader, had just entered upon her nineteenth year. She was a tall dark beauty of Georgian birth, with hair black as a raven's wing, and of that peculiar glossiness seen only in the wavy ringlets of Spitnish senoritas ; her oyes, large, dark and brilliant, seemed to burn you with their very intensity of. expression. Her form, delioatory rounded and moat exquisitely developed, would have been the delight of a modiste; united with those personal charms was a mind well stored with all the current literatur&of the day, besides many of the workeOf the old masters; and a taste re fined and oultiCated. She had been left en orphan at the •age of seventeen, and having chosen Mr. Walterles Otero, senior, guardian of, her property, came to reside with him about a year previous to the return of Walter, who was summoned from an unfinished tour on the continent to the bed-side of bite aged-father: 'To describe our hero but few words ere nieessary, He was what now iS seldom found=a true Southern gentleman, handsome, cul tivated, .polialied, talented, and possessed of all those qualities which contribute to form nature's nobleman. Arrived at s home, he found his father just recovered from a Beimre attack of typhoid fe ver, and anxious to have him remain; a task which Walter found by no means difficult, since it was now heightened and beautified by the, presence of Mary Langley. Thus brought into nese : elation, need we tell the result? It was no matter of surprise to old Mr. Le Clare, when, descending into the break feat' room one fine May morning, he found them heed in hand, waiting his appearance. The open ing of the present rebellion saw them happy, and only waiting the completion of some alterations and additions to the Le Clare mansion, before joining hands where hearts were already united. The clamor of secession had in him no advocate, no list ener; on the contrary, he wrote, spoke, and la bored against it in vain. Because of his superior military knowledge—ho having graduated with the highest honors from West Point, and spent some time in observing the defences and fortifications of several- places celebrated in the Crimean war—the, rebel leaders were anxious to have him take com mand of a regiment; but finding that he spurned -with indignation the commission offered him, they, knowing the influence exerted by a woman over a man that truly loves her, determined to bestir themselves In another direction. In pursuance of this resolve, parties and balls Were given end at tended by theif wives and daughters. Here Mary Langley, the acknowledged belle of Montgomery, and a courted beauty, heard and imbibed the senti ments of her Alabamian sisters, as was intended, together with the same idea held by many at that time, and not yet given up, vie: establishing a monarchical government; and determined to imi late the example set by many of her friends in persuading their lovers and other male friends, to join the Confederate army that they might wreathe their fair brows with fresh laurels of conquest and victory, in the court's of royalty or the balls of Ar bil! CY, Hence tlie scene at the operdng of this story. - • Chagrined at her failure, the traitoress hastily dispatched a note to the " Conuetw t " then in set• sion,lhe'resalt of .which - will soon Zpa apparent. When Walter left the drawing-room, he went to the stable; and, as was his custom when irritated, Mounted his favorite horse, a gallant little bay, and'galloped over to the neighboring plantation on which Charles Grantner, his bosom friend, lived. Having reniained.over to dinner, ho was riding slowly hoineward, when he was met by James, the negro valet-de-chambre, in great agitation, and quite out of breath. doming up to him, he was surprised to see ters in his eyes and marks of dis tress on his countenance; dismounting, he set down on a small flat rock near by ; and bado James take a seat beside him, The latter obeyed, and essayed to relate the cause of his disturbance in the follow ing manner : "Oh, marster Walter! You never aaw Bich doing in your life—nobody ever did. I have been huntin' and huntin' you ever so long. Jeff Davis done gone and sent them 'federate devils to 'Amato the property, and take all on us niggors to work in the 'trenchments, and dig the fortycations. oh lord!' Mars' Walter, do save us! as how you could." Here he began to wring his hands. With a , bladed " follow me !" Le Clare leaped in his saddle, and was out of sight ; putting spurs to his horse he was soon at home. The moot dire confusion prevailed—servants were running hither and thither, shrieking and uttering the most vale znent lamentations. Entering the parlor, he found two officers, who had come Carect from headquar ters bearing a commiaaion, and in case of his re fusal, a notice of the confiscation of his own - and father's estate without reserve. Rather beggary and honor"--he was about to eay,'when the door opened, and Mary Langley on. tered, her countenance wrought up to an apparent expression of, the moat intense agony, supporting his father, whose trembling frame could ill brook the evils of poverty: Stretching his arnurtowarde Walter, the, ld man cried, "Save we, my son !" and would have fallen at his feet had he not caught him in his arms. " Say no more, my dimwit fathor—l will." He panned—the great deeps of sweat stood upon his forehead ; (What a *lel !) but his aged father iniat not be thrown upon the cold charity of the world, by any deed of his—no, no ! He fell !—avert his doom, kind Heayen became a traitor. On, on—through the rebel camp, past sentinel and guard, - we go, atoning at that large white tent. Ills the Colonel's;, he is within; writing. Peeping over his ehoulder we observable letter's to "Diary." - Skipping, we will read : , ." There was some fighting yesterday; the victory is with the Federal troops. To-morrow the din of battle may be renewed: Then Walter Lo Clare will go forth a dishonored man, to raise his hand pgeinst the fag which has protected him on land and sea; in savage wilds and foreign courts." Passing on to the postscript: "P. B.—A courier brings the .news of my father's death. Should I survive the battle, farewell, Mary: Sod bless thee ; for then I go to join, the Union army—not that I love thee less, but my country novo. . - 'Tie the evening after the battle of Bull Run. The ground is strewn with the dead and dying. A little to the right of Synder heap of ghastly cones; lies the body of a handsome young. officer, clad in the uniform of the Confederate army; one hand is on his heart, the other grasps a small Federal flag, which ho got hie death wound in wresting from a brave son of the 69th, and which, in dying hour he had laid under hie head, and prayed for with his last breath. Reader, ho was Walter Lo Clare. A' PATRIOT HYMN. BY J. B. SANBORN, at: D. • God of the free! to Theo we raise Tho anthem of a notion's praise; - Thou Vast, of old, one !callers' friend, To nit, their eons, thy bletangs semi. To Thee, on each successive day, Millions of patriot soleos pray That this, our native land, may be The eternal homestead of the free! By memories of our martyr sires, , By Mown household hearths and thee, We here, on Freedom's altar, now Renew our holiest patriot vow.' Woe to the arm that aims, In strife, A blow against our country's life; And myriad hands shell sweep in wrath Bach gathering foe from out our path. Flag of our hearts! whose starry- glow Strikes terror to the flying foe, Thy gorgeous folds shall over wave, - The ensign of the free and brave. While rolls the:earth, or shines the sun, Let our whide country anal's ono ; " From ageto age, from shore to shore, • This pledge shall swell for evermore. God of our native land I we raise The anthem of our loftiest praise; Thou Bidet our fathers' cause defend I • We pray Theo still thy blessings send. IIE WHO n norm by own experience is wise indeed ; yet wiser far i s he who profits by that of another, for he thereby has all the benefit and none of the pain. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDMUND L. SOUDEB, GEORGE L. DUZBY, (Oonutus or TEI MONTI EDWARD U. BIDDLE, LETTER - BAGS At the Aferdtants' .fiehattge, Philadelphia. Bark Eliza Dent J, Foulko - Blrbadoes, Dec. 30 Bohr - Wm Cat roll, Chipinau Mologuss, PR, soon MARINE: INTELLIGENCE PORT OF PHIL&DELPIILS., San. 2, 1962. KW BUMS 7 2 . 3 I ERIN BM 4 87 RIGA WATHIL 3 2 AREUVED. Bohr Mors Fletcher, Croat's-, 2/ days from Eastport, malt fish and 01 to El A Bowler & Co. Steamship Kensington, Baker, hence, at Boston 31st Steamship America (Br), Stone, cleared at Now York Met ult for Liverpool. Ship Wyoming, Burton, sailed from Liverpool 17th ult for Philadelphia. Ship John Watt, Winchell, from Callao, at Glasgow 16th ult. fibip Dforoe Wheeler, Whitmore, from Swansea 18th August for Colombo, put into Ai° Janeiro in November, leaky. Ship Eking Son, noMeld, from Callao, at Deal lith rat, and proceeded for London. Ship Rate Prince, Gerrie% hence 27th November, at Liverpool 16th ult. Ship Aaterion, Hurd, cleared at New York Slat tilt for San Francisco. Ship Asayria, Deland, cleared at Boaton 80th utt for Callao. Ship J Clark, liopperholdt, at St Thomas 10th ult from Rio Janeiro. Dark Acklilee, Gallagher, hence ' at Gravesend 17th ult. Bark David (I Wilson, Peacock, henco for Ras Janeiro, was condemned at St Thomaa and sold at auction on the 9th nth The hull brought 81,310 i tho materials, rigging, &c, come $5,000 or $B,OOO more. Bark C W Poultuey, Sprague, sailed from Plymouth 19th ult for this port. Dark E 11 Tarrington, Gorham. sailed front Messina 4th uit for Philadelphia. Bark Edmund Dwight, Nickerson, cleared at NOW York last nit for Trinidad de Cuba. Dark Taconv, Munday, arrived at Unreelllea 13th alt from Now York. Brig Baron do Castine, Sanders, hence, at Bristol rill 10th alt for orders. Brig Amazon (Br), Brookman, hence, at Llano 10th ultimo, Brig Wm L Dodge, Audereon, for Philadelphia, re mained nt Rio Janeiro 34th November. Bile Gitana (13r), cleared at Itio Japefro 1431,1Tovem ber for Plattelelphin. Schr C Merrick, Montgomery, clearod nt Now York Mat ult for Philadelphia. Bohr G 8 Jastrum, Toner, from Fall River for Phila delphia, at Bristol 29th ❑tt. Schr TI! Townsend, Williams, hence, at Mystic, Conn, 30th ult. Sclu:lno, spoken 25th alt, tat 90, lon 74 80, running before the wind with a signal of distress flying and her pumps working, is supposed to be the Inn Crowell, of and for Providence, which cleared at Phdatiolphia 17th nit, with a cargo of 281 tons coal. Behr Grace Oirdler, Clark, hence for Boston, at New port SOth nit. Behr Golden Rod, Bishop, hence for Portsmouth, put into New London 29th ult, with loss of foresail. Behr Marietta Tilton, Tilton, entered out at Lirorpool 14th ult for Philadelphia. Belau Ceres, Merriman, from Wilmington, J B Allen, Alley, from do; ftl Plater, Plater, from do; Ellen Baker, Baker; T Taylor, Willetts; and Editor, 'Lewis, from Great Egg Harbor, at Now York 31st ult. &kir II A Weeke, Godfrey, cleared at Now York 31st ult for Philadelrdtta. 'Ear Nary Price, Blizzard, at New York Mat ult from Iltandmine FORNEY'S "WAR PRESS, " The intense intereet everywhere felt in the mighty con test in which the Armies and Fleets of the Nation are engaged, ON THE POTOMAC, IN WESTERN VIROINIA, IN KENTUCKY, IN MISSOURI, ON TUE BEA COAST, and elsewhere, and the existing demand for a Weekly Joutnal that will furnish a full and accurate account of the Ruffling °rents of this exciting and ever-memorable period, acceptable alike to &Idiom in Camp, to Peaceful Flreeldes, to those who wish to obtain the latest war news, and to those who desire to prosom in a convenient form, for future reference, a correct ffistory of the Great Rebellion, has Induced me to commence, on SATURDAY. NO 16. 1661, the publication of a GREAT WAR PAPER, (In lion of the present bane of the Weekly Press,) to be called I 4 FORNEY'S WAR PRESS." It will be printed in swprior style, on a largo Quarto sheet of eight pages, and each number will present the following ATTRAOTINE FEATURES, viz : A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, Illustrating an event of the War, or a NAP of Nome lo catty where important operations aro in contemplation ; A RECORD OF THE LATEST WAR NEWS from all parts of tho country, received during each crock by Mall and by Telegraph. from numerous SPROUL 0011.11.ESPOIMENT8, and all other reliable sonnets of information; THE LETTERS OF “OCCASZONAL,I9 whose epistles from Washington during the last three yoars have been singularly correct in their etatornonta and predictions, and whose comments upon public affairs have been copied and read with deep interest through out the whole country i A THRILLING SKETCH OR TALE, Illustrative of tho romantic incidents oonnoeted with tho War; GLEANINGS PROld THE MOH TREASURES OP WAR-WIT Al,)) WAR-POETRY, that are allotted by the mighty mato now transalringf ABLE EDITORIALS ON THE GREAT QUESTIONS THE LATEST LOOAL AND GENERAL NEWS A SUMMARY OE EELIGIOUB INTELLIGENON, interesting to all Denominations; IMPORTANT ARTICLES FROM. FIRST-CLASS ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS, Including the Cattle Markets of Philadelphia, New York, and other places, the Money Market, and Reports of the Price, of Produce and Merchandise. Efforts will constantly be made to introduce such now features as will render the "WAR PRESS" ono of the cost Popular and attractive Journals of the country. If. contrary to general expectations, the war should tm sud denly brought to a close, its columns will be filled with article that will prove deeply intorosting to its readers. TERMS: One COPY, one year... 0 $2 00 Three copies, one year 6 00 Fivo copies, ono year , •B 00 Ten copies, one year 12 00 Larger Clubs will be charged at the same rate, thus: 20 copies will cost $2l; 60 conies will cost $6O; and 100 copies, $l2O. We also offer the following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS! To every subscriber remitting as 82 we will forward by mail a first-rate, now, large COLORED MAP of the Southern States, which given the most useful and com prehensive view of the Seat of War, sad descriptions of the Important localities of the South, that has yet been published. De retail price Is fifty cents, and It is well worth double that sum. We will also forward one coertif this Map to any per son who sends us a club of three, of Ave, or of ten sub• scriber& Any person sending us a club of twenty enbacribere, accompanied with 624, will be entitled to an extra copy (for the getter of the club,) and also to a copy of the above mentioned Map. In order to further stimulate individual exertion to ex• tend the circulation of the "WAR /.BESS," we otter the following liberal premiums: ONE RUNDE:ED DOLLABB IN OASIII will be presented to the person or persons who may pro cnre the largest list of subscribers by the let of April, 1862; FIFTY DOLLAIIB to tho prraon forwarding the aerond higbeet numbor by the same period, and TWENTY-FIVE DALANS to the person forwarding the third largest number up to that time. • The conditions-of the foregoing premiums require all anbacriptlone to be paid In advance for ONE YEAR, at the rates publlehed above; ALL POSTMASTERS, I t and other loyal eltlzons, aro earnestly solicited to assist In extending the circulation of the "WAR PRESS.' They may rest assured that they will thereby not - only - Secure to subscribers a first-rate journal, but one which will be an earnest champion of the vigorous prosecution of the war and the migration of the Union. SPECIMEN COPIES will be furnished to those who tegneatthem. WALTrIt." Subscriptions may continence at any time. Terme ALWAYS OASIL in advance. an Letters to be addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY, "EBEN3"olfico, 417 CHESTNUT STREET SPRING GARDEN FRUIT AND PRODUCE - STORE STILL ABEAD.—The sub. scriber takes this method to inform his patrons, and tho public generally, that be has removed his Fruit and Pro. duce Store to No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, whore ho is now prepared to keep up a full supply of Apples, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries,,Nuto of all kinds, Dried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Ac, Ac. Also, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal. All of which ho will Sell as low as can be bought anywhere in the city. Being thankful for past favors, to those who have so liberally patronized him heretofore, the subscylber moot respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage, and invites all others to give him a call, at his new place, where he has superior facilities for supplying all with everything in Ida line, on the most reasonable terms. My motto is "'To live and lot live; quick sales, and email profile." Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. B. Z. GOTTWALS, 61-ft 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. rpERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND TRIED, AND DUIONEN SALAD.—Invi• Cation nude and other notices wilt be distributed in all parte of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the Impaction of Ladles and Gentleman, a hot of the things necessary for a large or small ontertilnment, an the case may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and waste; and flatters himself, that by his long expo rionce la btminess, he will he able at all timee to give, as heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, No. 250 South TWELFTH Street, above SPRLFOR. ocl-8m A OPPENHEIMER, MERCHAN. A • DISE BROKER, In all branches of trade, and manufacturer of every description of Army Goode, 98 South THIRD Street, wed aide, second story, Phila. dotr-tt THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1862 DIEMOBAIIVA OF THE DAY; PHILADELPHIA FOR MALE AP(7) SHIP TIMBER -FOR- SALE.- Several Tracts of WIIITE.O.AK - TIMBER LAND tu Dorchester county, Mar)laud, convenient to navign. bin enter. For parttcolareauplY to • JAB. T. 21100IIVATRIN, de2S-Im* Elkton, ktdi itrk FOR EXCHANGE -A FINE PROPERTY, on the Eastern Shore of Mary land, consisting of Grist, Saw, and Carding 311118, Wheel• Wright Shop, Riaelounith Shop, Store, Ice comprising a whole Tillage, with about 30 acres of ground ;- superior water power—no equal in the country ; bringing a rental of $1,600 per annum. Apply to - J. H. WATERS, deo-tf 110 South FOURTH Street. FOR SALE-A LARGE FAC TORY BUILDING, covering a lot aft ground 100 feet by 150 feet, haring three fronts, with alarge Sam Engine, and all In complete order, gib:tate in the ce)utre of the city. Will be aold at a great sacrifice. No money required. Part can remain on the pt•entaea, and thb balance will Lo taken in city property. Apply to J. H. WATERS, ,defi-tf 110 South ROURTH Street VARM FOR SALU.—A FARM, in 11.. excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, (nine of which ace woodland,) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for eale. Price—Five thousand dot. tars (S 1,000). Apply on the promises. nole.ti SAMUEL 11. IMAM MEDICINAL• ' DR. VERNON PIERPOINT, NEHBEE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, ENGLAND, Anther or "Elkin Diseases and their Remedies,. and 1, Diseases of the Itecturn." May be consulted at lily Residence, 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, FROM I 0 o'oLoox A. 11. TILL 8 O'CLOCK P. 13.., OB BY Dr. PIERPOINT ban been especially sucessful Sn hls treatment of the following diseasea: SKIN DISEASES Or Every Nature, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, and DISEASES of theREGTUrd. no2s•tt ELMBOLD'-8 GENUINE PREPARATIONS. • HELDIBOLD'S GENUINE PENPABATIONS. ,RELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Bladder. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Kidneys. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU • Cures Gravel. HELISIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Dropsy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHL T Cures Nervous Sufferers. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUC= Cures Debilitated Buffeters. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Loss of Memory. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Less of Power. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Consumption, Insanity. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Epileptic Fits, St. Titus' Dance. HELMBOLD'S. EXTRACT BCCltili For Difficulty Breathing. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For General Weakness. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU • For Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Trembling. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Night Sweats. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Cold Feet. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Dhatiesa of Vision. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Languor. HELDIROLD'S EXTRACT MUM For Universal Lassitude of the !indenter System. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCHU For Pallid CountenAnce. EFLMBOLD'S EXTRACT lIUCHU For Eruptions. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For rains in the Back. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Headache. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Sick Stomach. HELBIBOLD'B GENUINE PREPARATIONS. If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, no lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Try it, and be convinced of its efficacy. , HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, recommended by names known to SCIENCE and FAME. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See remarks mode by the late Dr. Phd sic. HELDIROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Bee Dr. De s% ee's valuable work on Practice of Physic. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCIIU. Bee Dispensa tory of the United States. RELMTIOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Bee remarks made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated physi cian, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in King and Queen's Journal. HELBIBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. See Medico- Chirorgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, P. R. C. S. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. Bee most of the tats Standard Works on Medicine. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. Bee remarks made by distinguished Clergymen. DELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS Give health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek •" and moo pleasant to the taste that patients become fond of them. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, SI per bottle, or six for SS, delivered to any address. Depot 10.1 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa., where ail letters must be addressed. PHYSICIANS IN ATTENDANCE From 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Describe symptoms in all commtMlcans. ADVICE GRATIS. CURES GUARANVED. Bold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. oes-etuth3m GLUTEN CAPSULES OF PURE COD-LIVER OIL• The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVER OIL, and the Inability of many to take It at all, has In duced various forms of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them nose or in special eases, but more often the vehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the 011, proving Quite as unpalatable and of loss therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, &c., to invalids, Induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good ro suite trout their use In both hospital and prlvatepractico, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result In benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, 1412 YV ALNUT Street, Philadelphia MUTTER'S COUGH SYRUP. F. BROWN. COPY-RIGHT SECURED. Prepared only from the Original Prescription of the late PROFESSOR MUTTER. AT FREDERICK BROWN'S, Not theaat corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. This Remedy Is a sate and simple preparation from the receipt of the late distinguished Professor Mutter, with whom It was a favorite prescription. That ho used It in his extensive practice, insures to- the timid a certain proof of ite•puro and Inflexions elements, and to those who know his character for skill and careful attention, to prescribe only such remedial agents as should secure restoration without producing subsequent evil, it will be welcomed as a real good. Under the guidance of a Phy sician (to whom its combination will unhesitatingly be made known), it INil alwa)a he found very beneficial, and In cases where a medical adviser Is not at hand, it May be need with safety, according to the direction, in all cases of short or long duration. For tiale at FREDERICK BROWN'S, Dreg and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Ste., ocl9-s&w 6m Philadelphia. RS. JAMES 'BETTS' CELEBRA TED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La dles and physicians aro respectfully requested to call only ou Ides. Betts, at bar residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to we her appliances. Thom only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters. with testimonials. oelB-tuthstf WINES AND LIQUORS. PURE PORT WINE. 'DITQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN I,,YOIITUGAL IN 1820. 11ProPhygiciane and invalide In want of a reliable article of vire Port Wine can be unpolled by inquiring for the above , wine at CANTWELL & NEPHEWS, Southeast turner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street HENNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO- D:Wort, Biwalt, TriCl3ol4ll & Co., Marett, Pinot, and other approved brands of COGNAC BRAND', for sale, in bond and from store, by CANTWELL A KEEFER, Routheeat corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and ?LUSTER Street. QTUAPT'S PAISLEY MALT WEIS- Buchanan's Coal DaWhisky, Old. om Gin, Old London Gin ' London Cordial Gin, Bohlon's Gin, In baud and store. CANTWELL Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. P7OUAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for gala at a price to suit the times, by CANTWELL d ENS. FER, southeast corner of (IEIIIIA.NTOWN Menne and RUSTED, Street. RUDESHEIMER-BERG, LAUBEL HEMEL', and ItOOKUEIMER WINE In oases Imported endone dozen bottles each; warranted Duro. end for sale low by CANTWELL KEEVER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and 'BUSTIN, Get. "ZINN E R AI A N 'S DRY CATAWRA WINE.--This approved brand or Cincinnati wine, the beet article out for cot/More," for sole pure, bot tled And is eases, by CANTWELL & KEEFER, 'south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. •324-130 BUSINESS NOTICES TAMES T. VcOULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELKTON, Morylnna, will attend to the Oolloction and Securing of Claim in Cecil, Ilnrford , and tho counties of the Eastern Shoro. de2s•lnt* _TORN WELSH, Praotioal SLATE u BOOZER, THIRD Street and ammaxturown, geed, la prepared to pnt on any amount of 400PIN4p on the most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to tnake every Building perfectly Water•thrbt. lir Orders promptly attended to. QTEADI-SCOURING AND TM - LUR- K.) ING done at the shortest notice. HENRY B. BASCOM, 137 SEVENTH Street, above Walling. H. BASCOM'S plan for the times is GI recommend Gents to bring their old Clothing to bun, and have them made now, Also, their Cloths, and have them fashion. ably made no. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL OBETUSTEY.—Tho Laboratory or the ettbeoribere Is open daily, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. N., for Analyses of Ores, Guanos, Waters, &o. Moo, for the instruction of Students In Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Opinions given in Chemical Question& - Special Instruction in MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. JAMES C. BOOM THOS. H. GARRETT, JI , IO. J. REESE, 111. D., 104-8 m No.lo CHANT Street, Tenth, below Market. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUItANCE COMPANY.—lncorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office. S. E. cor ner Tllllll.l and 'WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Sin. rinelneuranro on Vessels, Cargo, and' Freight, to all Darts of the world. Inland Insurancea on good.), by river, canal, lake and land carriage, to all Darla of the Union. . . FIRE INSURANCES On Nerd:aniline generally. On Stores, Duelling lionsea, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1861. PAR. 003 i. $lOO,OOO United States Five per ceut.Loan. $100,230 00 50,000 U. States 6 per et. Treasury Notes. 49,995 37 25,000 United States Seven and Three tenths Treasury Notes.... '2.5,000 00 100,000 State of Penn. rive per et. loan. 89,501 25 123,050 Phila. City Six per cent. Loan... 119,418 17 50,000 State of Tennessee Fire per cent. Loan 24,075 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let nort gage Six per cent. Bonds. 60,000 reuttsylyania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cont. Bombe... 15,000,300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Co. Principal and Interest guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia 14,587 50 5,000,100 Shares Stock Penn. R. R. Co. 5,000 00 Bills receivable for Insurances made . $00,780 07 Bonds and mortgages .... 75,000 00 Real estate 51,303 35 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Marine Policies, interest, and other debts duo the Company Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $11,843, estimated value. 4,080 00 Cash on band—in Banks $51,005 03 111=2 DIRECTORS. Samuel E. Stokes, J. P. Peuiston, Henry Sloan, Ediverd Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvaine, Thomas U. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. Metterland, 'Joshua P. Eyre, Joint B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. 1 HAND, Vice President. !craters'. - d do2l.tf William Martin, Edmund A. Sunder, Theophilus Paulding, John B. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Trauttair, William Ea re, Jr., James C. Baud, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. B. Di. Huston, Goorgo G. Loiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Roily, ' 1 witimma 'PHOBIAS HENRY LYLBURN, Sc MUTUAL INSURANCE OOMPA.NT, OP PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE No. 806 WALNUT STREET, Insures against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Houses, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares, and Mer chandise, in town or country. CASE CAPITAL, 8231,110.041—ASSETS $317,142.00, Which is invested as follows, via: In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount 8/62,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 0 per cent Bret mortgage loan, at par Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'a 6 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, (830,000) 97,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 4,001 00 Ground rent, first-clam 2,402 50 Alateral Inane, well soured 2,690 00 Oily of Philadelphia 6 per cent loan 80,000 00 Allegheny County 0 per cent. Pa. RE. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,135 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 5t0ck..........4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stock. 96,360 00 The County lire Insurance Co.'s stock 1,050 00 The Delaware M. 8, Insurance Co.'s stook" 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip 880 00 Bilis receivable - 14,802 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, tiro 7,104 65 Cash on hand 11,644 64 The Mutual principle, combined with the security of • Stock Capital, entitles the Insured to participate in the PIOPITS of the Company, without liability for Loses% Leases promptly adjusted and pall. DIRECTORS. Samuel. Bisphatu, Robert Steen, William Musser, Boni. W. Tingley, Marshall Rill, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen ' John Bissell, Pittsburg. TINGLEY, President. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, Froderick Brown, William Bloveneon t John B. Worrell, E. B. Carson, Hobert Toland, 0. D. Bosengarten, Uharles B. Wood, Samoa B. Woodward, OL B. 11. HINCIIMLN, ISocreta February 16, 1861. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHASTER PER. PETUAL. No. 610 'WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commtusity for thirty-els yearn, continues to Mauro against Loan or Da• wage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a Waited time. Also, on Farnitur Mocks of Goode, or Merchandise generally, on liberal Berms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful moaner, which enables them to offer to the burned an undoubted security in the ore or low- . . DIRECTORS. Jonathan Pattereon, Thomas Robins, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Denman, John Devoreux, William Monte Sus, Thomas Smith. Isaaollexlebnret, JONATHAN WILLIAM U. OBOWILL. PATTEIII3OS, ProlidenL retail. ay{ ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital $4OOlOOO - PERPNTUAL.t. Oidce No. all WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or demago by F all i re,y. on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gen e - Mao, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, end 114 et& tel. Wand Insurance to all vette of the Union. DEBBOTOBB. Josonh Mandela, John Ketcham, John R. Maktoton, Wm. F. Doan, J. B. Baum. ZEMKE, President. DRAM, Vice Proaident. gros-11 Jacob Esher, D. Luther, L. Andeurted, Davis Pearson, Peter Mager, JACO WM. W. M. BMW. Secretary. FIRE INSURANCE. EIXORANIOS' INSURANCE COMPANY 02 PIGIADELPHIA, No. 188 North SIXTH Street, belmg Bice Insure Buildins, Goals, and Merehandise gene. rally:from Loss or Damage by Fire. The Company rm. ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, end thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public.. . . . . . . DIRECTORS. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Wands Coonor, Michael Me%my, George L. Doughertb Edward McGovern, James Martin, Thomas B. hicOomalok, James Baron • John Bromley, Matthew Mciileor, • Francis Falls, Bernard Rafferty, John CassadY, Thomas J. Hemehtli, Bernard H. Hulsemann, Thomas Fisher, Marks Clare, Francis McManus, Michael Cahill. FBA.IIOIB COOPER, President. BERNARD EAFFZIITY, Secretary. 0a.78 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSTLYANIA—OPPIOE Noe, 4 and 5 EXOHANGE BUILDINGS, North ea, of WAL. NUT Street, between DOSE and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. ENOORPORATED in 11e4-01IARTEB PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, $200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE OOMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, 1861, R 607,081.61. MARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION /NSITRANOE. • DIRECTORS. Hear, D. Shorten), Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles /damlester, Tobias Wagner, William B. Smith, Thomea B. Wattson, John B. Budd, Ronny G. Freeman, William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George R. Stuart, George 0. Oaroon, Edward C. Knight. ... . . 8.117.1111E8D, President. 7. /729-11 HENRY D WILLIAM HARPER. Socreta THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE 14 XOLUSPIELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, O. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. 11. Stuart, Hang° Frazier,John H. Brown, . John IC Atwood, B. A. Fahnectock, Beni T. Trediek, Andrew D. Oaah, Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. F. BATOHFORD STARS, President. Mumma W. Cons, Secretary fold A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHANT= PERPETUAL. N 0.310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-op Capital Stook and Nimbi!, in vested in eonnd and available Securities, continues to Insure ow Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Ves sels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pro perty. AU Loma liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Juno B. Campbell, Ediannd 0. Dutilh, Oharlea W. Ponltuer• brad Morris. Thomas B. Marls, John Welsh, Baranel 0. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, THO: Ammar 0. L. CRAWFORD, AS B. ILLARIf3, Pros Mont. t3ecretary. fa22•tf VXCELANGE INSURANCE COM PANY—office, No. 409 WALNUT Street. lllre Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise generally, on foTorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual. DLREOTOIIB. Jeremiah Boman, Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ohmodo, Oharles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Bonbon 0. Halo, John J. Griffiths. . JEREMI DONEI&LL, President. JOHN Q. GlNNODO.VioePreindent. BICHTAILD Cog, Secretary. Jan PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU a. HANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelptda. CHARTER. PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROYITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Inane Lives for short termsor forth° whelks= din; grant Annnties and Endowments ; purchase Life Inte rests In 'Real Estate, and make all contracts depending on the contingencies of life. They ant aa Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Truckee'', and Guardians. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, January 1, 1801. Mortgagee, ground rents, real oatato 5321,961 97 United States stocks, Treasury nesse, loans of State of Pennaylvanla, city of Bblladel- Shia, 8c Premium notes, loans or collators's In Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County 0 per cent. bonds 105,802 60 Bank, Insurance, railroad, eanal stocks, 80. 97,647 49 Cash on band, agents' balances, Ba., 50..... -as,soe 14 51,071,138 Of DANIEL L. MILLEE, Pres(dont SADIIIEL E. STOKES, The Pro'Mont. JOn W. Holum'', Secretor/. p m PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD 00., (Othe 227 South Fourth eared.) PHILAMILPITLI, April 27, 1881. BEASON TIOKETEI On and after May 1, 1881, Humana tickete will be leaned by this company for the perkale of, three, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Beaeon sohool-tickets may also be had at 88 per sent. discount. Theo tickets will be Bold by the Treasurer at No. 21f Sonth 11 . 0IIIITH Street, where any further Information can be obtained. & BRADFORD, WEST CHESTER 6111-4 M—RAILROAD TRAINS via rinix -SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner BIM, TENTH and SIARKET Streets, at B 12.30 noon, and 4 P. H. not-tt REST QUAAJITY ROOFING SLATE always on hand and for sale at Union Wharf, 1461 H1C.6.011 Street. Henslngion. T. vriontA% ine.ll9 , NT %VALIUM. tree!. Phltadatlas fIIROULAR PRINTING, BEST 'kJ eii4 4i - heaped in the City, at lIINOWALT & BROWN'S. 84 South TIIIIID Street. no2o RAILROAD LINES THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. THE GREAT ROUBLE TRACK ROUTE. 1862. THE "IVOITAILI"Enrrti,!"eutiSTX'II?),V EQUAL THE GREAT SHORT LINE, TO TILE WEST Facilities for the transportatim of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis,St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all ter towns in the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking ears on all the trains. THE EXPRESS — RITN3 DAILY; Moll and Past Line Sandals excepted. Matt Train leaves Philadelphia at.. . ; .... 0.00 A. M. Fast Line is a, ............11.30A. M. Express nein" u . ...... P. M. Parliesburg Accommodation leaves Philo. at.. 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg as u „ 2.30 P. 81 Lancaster ti .. 4.50 I'. M. 'West Chester passengers will take the Mall Trate, the Parkesburg Accommodation, and the Lancaster Aecona. modatiou. Passengers for Sunbury, WilHa:lmport, Elmira Buf falo, Niagara Folio, and intermediate pants, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. K. and 2.80 P. M., go directly tiircaigh. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, B. E. corner of ELEVENTII and MARKET Streete. - By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, nitwit , ' Wisconsin, lowa, or Mfe sour!, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamer., from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in tho West by the PenneylvJula Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchant. and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, ctui rely with confidence on Its speedy tt omit. $569,126 27 For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or aadreße the Agents of tho Company. S. B. KINGSTON, Jn., Philadelphia. IL A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South William street, New York. LEECH & CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. DIAGRAW Jr. KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, GOO Freight Agent, Mb. L. L. HOUPT, Gen'i Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOOII LEWIS. Gon'l gap% Altoona. iyl•tf 1861. Mn -, m 1861. ABEANGEMENT OF NEW YOBS LINEB. THE CAMDEN - AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. • PROM WAITTOT•BTEERT STRAUB AND KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AB FOLLOWS-VIZ: 7.tias At 6 A. Ai., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ao. oommodation $2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (M. J. Accommodation) '` ... 5 24 At 0 A. 71.1., via Rensington and JerseyOity,Moni ing Mall 8 00 At 12) P. Id., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation 5 25 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Es- press 800 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jorsay City, Evening Express 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 24 Maas Ticket. 9 22 At 6K P. 111., via Kensington and Jersey City, Even s 00 ning Mail At 12 P. 14., via Senelngton and JerneyCity, South ern Mail.,, , . ... 8 00 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda- Von, (Freight sad Paesenger)—lnt Olase Ticket.. 2 25 De. do. 2d Ohm Ticket.. 1 60 The 6K P. AL Nall Lino rune daily, Sundays excepted. The 12 P. M rionthern Mail runs daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeabarre, Montrose, Great Bend, &c., at 1.10 A. 01. front Kensing ton. via Delaware. Lackawanna, and Western B. B. Tor Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, to., at 7.10 A. M. and 8 P. DI. from Kensington Depot; (the 7.10 A. IC fine connects with train leaving Easton tor Mauch Munk at 3.35 P. M.) For Mount Holly at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. AL Tor Preehold at 6 A. IC and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. $91.7,142 04 For Priatol, Trenton, nt 7.10 and 9X A. M., and 3,3, 0.30,and 12 P Id, from Sonalngton. For Plmyra Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Burling• ton, alorr_nro, P almyra, Ac., a t 12X, 1,4, 6, and m MR" For New York and Way Lines leaving Nanning. ton Depot, take the care, on Fifth street, above 'Walnut, half an hour before departure. The care run into the depot, and on arrival of each train ran from the depot. Fifty Pomade of Baggage, only, allowed each rumma ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage bat their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, ex cept by special contract. WM. U. OATZMEB, Agent. ims z , r -4,,,... NORTH PENIsTSYL. -, .... - VANIA RAILROAD. TOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH MUNN, HAZLETON, EASTON, MILLEY, &o. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. . . . On• and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1861, Pas. monger Trakus will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. Si., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, &c. At 2.45 P. AL, (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, &a. This tram reaches Easton at e P. M., and makes a close connection with the New Jersey Control for Now York. At 6.06 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, &o. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. Earreas Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Itallroad et Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to ell potnte in the Lehigh coal region.. . . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. AI, P.lB A. M., and 0.38 P. 1.1 Leave Doylestown at 0.30 A. N. and 3.20 P. 14. Leave Fort Washington at 8.00 A. N. ON SUNDAYS—Phtladelphla for Fort Washington at 0.80 A. M. Philadelphia [or Doylestown at 4 P. M. • Doylestown for Philadelphia at I A. 51. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. Tare to Bethlehem...Bl.so IFare to Branch Chunk-15.2.00 Tare to Easton 1.60 Through Tickets must a procured at the Ticket OiScee, at WILLOW Street, or BERICS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Paesenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke street with the Fifth end Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third streets Paeeonger Ilailroade, twenty 'mi nutes after leaving Willow street. no 4 ELLIS MARK, Agent. I, A It, do herby propose to deliver to the Govern. moot good Beet Cattle on the hoof for - per hundred pounds gross weight. The Cattle ,to be delivered at according to the terms of the enclosed advertise. went. The Cattle to ho w elghed on the scales, anti the weight so determined to ho the purchase weight. I hereby agree to give a good and aufliclent bond for 'the fulfil. meet of the contract, and to receive Treasury notes or or oilier Goo ernmeut funds iu payment for the Cattle. On and after MONDAY, NOV. IS. 1881. de2B-dtja9 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PIILLADELPECIA: OHM geg_WINTER AR BANGIMENT.-11111ADEL. PHIA, WILMINGTON, AND DALTIMORD BAIL. BOAD. For Baltimoro M 3.30 A. M., 8.16 A. M., 11.86 A. M., (ExFrees), end 10.60 P. M. For Ohostor st 8.16 A. M.,11.86 A. M., 8.46 sad 10.60 P. M. For Wilmington at 3.80 A. H., 8.15 A.M., 11.86 A. Id., 8.42 and 10.60 P. M. For New (Jostle at 8.15 A. H. and 8.45 P. M. Vor Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 9.45 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. ros Haliebney at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR PEMADELPHL& Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M. (Exproas), 1.06 P. M. (Express), 5.20, and 7 I'. M. (Express). Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11.33 A. 11., 6.115, 8 415, and 9.60 P. M. Leave tiallsbnry at 2.85 P. M. Leave Milford at 4.66 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 8.10 P. E. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 A. M.,12.15, 4.60, and 9.30 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Biillebttry and Intermediate station. 15.20 and 7 P. 51; for Dover and intermediate station', 1.05 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTITIORR . . Leave Chester at 8.45 A. N., 12.05 and 11.20 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 4.30 A. Id., 9.25 A. 52.,12.85 P and 72 a. EL FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Oar attached, Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate aces at 5.10 P. 11. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate area at 7.10 P. 01. Leave 13altImore for Havre do Grace and intermediate alone at 0 A. 01. OPT SUNDAYS ONLY At 3.30 A. M. and 10.60 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At Tfrom Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3.,30 A. N. kohl from Philadelphia to Daltlmore will ruu daily, Mondays excepted. eKt2B-tf 8. H. FELTON, Preaident. li gi mm EN BEELADELPIIIA AND READING RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS FOR PMTSVILLE, READ. LNG, and HARRISBURG, on and after November 4,1801. . . 'MORNING LINES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and °ALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrance* on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streete,) at 8 A. N,, con -fleeting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.16 P.M. train, running to Pittaburg ; tho CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.60 P. M. train running to Chamborsburg, Carlisle dro.,• and the . 'NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1.20P.M. train running to Ban bury, 80. AFTEBNOtiN LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and ()ALLOW. HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances! on 'Thirteenth and on Oallowhill eta„ ) for POTTSVILLE and HARRISBURG, at 2.15 P. Id., DAILY, concoct ing at Harriebnrg with the Northern Contra] Railroad, for Sunlinty, Williamsport, Elmira, Ito. Express Train from Now York via Easton mnkee close connection with the Beading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Central 3.15 A. M. Train running west. Nor BEADING only, at 4.30 P. 31., DAlLY,(Sundeve excePted° . . I T. IS: .P f a .DE PI . • N ... 14, AIM rEILADir..Prild, Mlles. To Shcenix.villo 28 Beading 68 Philadelphia and Beading Lebanon 86 and Lebanon Valley B. H. Harrisburg 112 Dauphin 124 Millersburg 142 Northern Central Trovorton Junction.lsB Helmut Sunbury 109 Horthumberland....l7l 1 Lewisburg 1781 Milton 183 Honey 107 Sunbury and Erie H. B. Williamsport 209 Jersey Shore 2.3 Lock Haven 238 ... Balaton 233 Williamsport and Blz:ulra Troy 261 Ballreed. Elmira 287 Tho BA. 81. and am P. . trains connactdaity at Port Clinton, (tSundays erceptedd with the CATAW/SSA, WILLIAMSPORT, and BEM RAILROAD, making close connections with tines to 'Niagara Tails, Oanada, tha Went and Southwest .. . . . _ . DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: corner of BROAD and 01.1,LOWILLTA Streets. W. U. Moir...llElMM', Secretary. October 30,1881 • FALL AND WIN TE R ABRAIMMENT.- 1111LADELDRIA, GERMANTOWN, and NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD. 208,1175 &I 231,604 611 TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, October 29, 1841, lentil further notice. _ . . FOR GERMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia, 6, 1, 9,9, 10 05, 11, 19 A. N., 1,2, 3, 4, 6,6, 7,8, 9,10 X, and 11X P. M. Leave Germantown, 0,7, 7g, 8, ftX,l),X,lOg, 11%, A. M., 1, 2.8, 4,5, 6,7, 8,9 X, 11P. M. Tho A. M. train from Germantown stole at Einy's and Tloga only. Leave Phlladelybta, 9.06 A. M., 2,7, wad 10,4 P. M. Leave. flormanton., 6.10 h 2,, and 9,4 P. M. oincealtivr HILL 11SILIWAD Leave Phlladolpkia, 8, 9, 11, A. M., 2,4, 5, 8, and 10X P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111, 7.10, 8.10,10.10, A.M.,19.40, 9.40, 6.40, 7.40, and 9.10 I'. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Clbeetnut 11111, 7.60 A. M., 12.40, 5.40, luta 9.10 P. M. Bon CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN - - Leave Philadelphia, 6X, 9.05, 11.0 e A. M., 8.06, 4K, 6.05, and 8.05 P. 81. Leave Norristown, 7,8, 9, 11 A. N., 1), 4N, and 0 P. N. . . ~.~nrr. UN BUNDAII3. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 3 P. N. Leave Norrlatovni, 73( A. N., 5 P. N FOR MANAYIINR. . . - Leave Philadelphia, 9, ri A. M., 1%, 8.05, .1%, 0.05, and 8.06 P. M. Leave Manayunk, 6X, 7X, 8%, 9%, 41 j( A. Id., 9,5, end 0% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0 A. M., 3 and 7 P. M. Leave Blanayunk. 7X A. M., 6% and 8 P. Id. 11. X. SMITH, General Superintendent, 0c28.1t Depot NINTH and GRI9I6N Streets, 180. will nth as follows RAILROAD ON SUNDAYS SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, it 00., No. 422 MAIM:2 STREIT SALE OF FRENOU DRY GOODS. On Friday Morning, January 3, at 10 o'clock, by catalogno, for nub -400 lots of fancy and staple French dry 3 00,1 0. sir Samples and catalogues early on morning ornate. SOLID COLOR CARLE CORD POULT DE SOIE 8L11.801.13. Noir landing from ale/guar Arago. On Pdday 510 r 1 .4 , 1 case Nos. 4,5, 20, and 30 splendi d quality poult do role bound t , LYONS BLACK GIIO3 DE BRINES. 24 to 40• inch hosvy high Lustre Lyons black gros do Ithinro. LYONS BLACK SILK MANTILLA VELVET. 3. —2 aisle 111 , 11 heavy Ly one back silk mantilla velvets. VIENNA BROCHE LONG AND SQUADS SHAWLS. A full assortment of Vienna broche long and square silk chenille scnria. BUCK -AND BEATER GLOVES, MITTS, AND G UNTLETS. On Friday Morning, An invoice of beaver and castor gloves and gauntlets, buck mitts and gloves and gauntlets, riding gloves, chamois-lined Berlin gloves. RICH GIIAINE LAINE LONG BRAWLS. On Friday Morning, An invoice of superior quality chain° la'nelong shawls. PARIS 51017SLIN DE LAINEd, MIDUNOS AND POPLINS. Choice colors super quality Paris mouslin do !aims. 6-4 blue, brown, and black Paris poplins. 6.4 Sue choice colored Paris merinos. 0.4 Paris fancy plaid cloaklags. COLORED SITIN 11LBBON, AND BLACK. SILK BONNET VELVRTS. 50 lota Nos. I a 10 dark colors super quality satin rib. bone. I.3ona' extra beau black bilk bonuot velvets. B. HO PPIN, A lICT 1 °NEER. 212 MARKET STREET. GENERAL SALE OF DRY GOODS, FANCY WOOL LEN AND WORSTED KNIT GOODS, HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS, &c. This Morning, January 2, at 10 o'clock, a general assortment of sea,. sellable geode, adapted to presout retail sales. Goode arranged for examination early on the morning of ante, with catalogues. SALE OF A CITY RETAILER'S STOCK OF DRY GOODS, &c. Included in sale on Thursday morning will be found the entire tutor ce of stock of a city retailer, embracing a great variety of seasonable and other goods, to which the attention of the trade is particularly invited. IDECILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION ZEUS, Noe. 626 MARKET and 622 ammo' Etrenta. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1 000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, lIROGANS, This Morning. CLOSII; G SALE OF THE SEASON. January 2, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by ca talogue, 1,000 cases men's, boys', and youths' cal', kip, grain, thick and Hungarian boots, brogans, Wellington boots women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, and kid hoots and shoes. Also, a handsome assortment of women's and misses Sewed and pegged Balmoral boots, adapted to the hest retail trado. The attention of buyers is particularly called to this our last sale for this season. ser - Open for examination, with catalogue, early on the morning of sale. 1V F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, .1.1 • Succecoor to S. Scott, Jr., 4111 OHISSTECUT St. FURS. FURS. FURS. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FANCY FURS, ROBES, &o, by entologne. This Morning, January 2, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. Comprising a general as . 6ffashlonable tars for ladies', misses', and children's wear. Also, fancy sleigh and carriage robes, fur caps and collars, gloves, &c. SPECIAL POSITIVE SALE OF A STOCK OF READY-3I ADE CLOTHING, by Catalogue. On Friday Morning, January 3, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, in lota and single garments. Included will be found a largo and attractive assort ment of fine coats, overcoats, pants, and seats, in small lots to suit purchasers, together with a full line of goods suited to ON' end country woe, lI Catacogt.tit will lie ready and goods arranged for examination early on the morning of sale. PROPOSALS 1 -AFFICE OF ASST. Q. M. U. S. A. V —FORT MONROE, VS., December 24,1801. Sealed proposals wilt be received at this office until 12 o'clock, at noon, en the TENTH DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, for furnishing two Steam Fire Engines for tbm post. Each to have an 8,9, or 10-inch Cary's Rotary Pump, or other pump of equal capacity, with suction hose, (length and diameter to ho named,) and sufficient number of discharge puma i also, tender for fuel, and hose reel to accommodate 500 feet of hose of usual size. Proposals will also state price per Not for auction hose of same size as that with engine, from 50 to 75 feet addl. (tonal hi lag required with each, with all necessary con. .sections; alec, for 500 feet of India rubber delivery hose of the requisite strength, with 2N-fools connections. Bid ders will state, In detail, the capacity of each 8,9, or 10- inch pump for drawing and discharging water under dif fered lengths of suction and discharge hose; time re quired to get up a sufficient head of steam for effective work, and ouch other information as will enable this De partment to decide upon the bids. Separate proposals vi ill be received fur the one thousand feof of India rub ber delivery hose if desired. Price in each case to in clude delivery at this post in full and complete working order. Bidders will also state when they can execute their proposals. (Signed) de2Bstialo GEIER TALLSIADGE, A. Q. M. SEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN vited till the 10th day of JANUARY, 1062, at 12 o'clock N., for nupriying the Government with BEEF CATTLE. The Cattle to be delivered at Harrisburg, Chembersturg. or Yolk, Pa., as soon after the 15th day of March, 1602, as the Government may direct. The Go vernment will receive under this contract 4,000 head, and resell o the right to call for any additional number up to 1000. Each lot of Cattle delivered shall average at least 1,343 pounds grass weight; and no animal will be received which w eighs less than 1,000 pounds gross weight. Government reserves to itself the right to Pay in Trea env); notes, and to reject any bid for any cause. No bid will he entertained unless the bidder is present to re spond. The bids to bo directed to Major A. BECKWITH, C. 8. U. S. A., Waohioßtoo, 11. C., and endorsed „Propo sals for Beef." Forst or Bus (WWII ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, N. E. cornor TW&LFTE and LIRA nD Streets PROPOSALS.—PronosaIs will he received at this of• flee until SATURDAY, Jan. 3, 1862, to furnish for the Schuylkill Arsenal . . Bidders era requested to state the price and elze, and niters the engine can ha inspected. G. U. OROSnIiN, de27 Dep. Q. N. Gen , U. R. A. MARSIIAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of ti writ of Bale, by the lion. JOHN OADIVALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public gale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, January Rh, 1862, at 12 o'clock IL, the Schooner JAN JUAN, her tackle apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on boanfthereof. The cargo cousbite of 2,400 bushels salt, sugar, molasses, Ac. . WILLIAM MILLWARD, B. Ilatehal, E. D, of Peou'o. rattenr.ctrlTA, Deco:Tibor '26, 1861 de2.7-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the ]loo. John °admitoder, Judge of the District Court of the trotted States in raid for the Eastern District of Pennsyhaute, In Admiralty, to me diretled, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the STORE, 'll2 South DE LAWARE AVENUE, on MONDAY, January 13, 1882, at 12 o'clock M., part of the cargo of the schooner SU SAN JANE, consisting of iron, alcohol, linseed oil, fish, pork in pickle, and cod Bah. The !dire Will be opened on the morning of the sale, where the goods may be ex amined. WILLIAM 11IILLWARD, 11. B. Hla• shel E. D. of Poona. PIIILADELPHIA, Dec. 28, 1661. de3o-6t ➢IACHINERY AND IRON. Atin PENN STEAM ENGINE AND DOILIES WORE.3.—zatania LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL EMIL. BEERS, MACHINISTS, 1301 - LEI-MAKESS, BLACK. SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yew% been in successful operation, and been exclusively ga• gaged in building and repairing •Marine and River lta ginee, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanya, Propellers, Ac., .to., respectfully Offer their sauteed 110 the public, as being fully prepared to contract for ID. gines of all sines, Marino, River, and Stationary, baths , seta of patterns of different stem, are prepared to an. cute orders with quick despatch. Every deecription Of Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High mall Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, sot the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forginffs, of all 61.16011 and kinds; Iron and BraseCestings, of all de scriptions , * toil Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other Work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at Pads establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for no pairs of boats, where they can He in perfect safety, and ore provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac., fed raising heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. !MAIM, JOHN P. LEVY, jeld-tf BEACH and PALMER StrestA 7. VA130111.14 MZIIRIOK, WILLIAM U, MIIRRIGH, RARTLNY Minuan, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STNNITet PHILADELPHIA. HIERRICK & SONB, INGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, _ . Manufacture "Ugh and Low Pressure Steam Briatiliti for loud, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c.; OW& logs of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Boots for Gaa Works, Workshops, Bs I. road Stations, &e. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and mcii improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machluorl, such Sugar, Saw, and Grist ffiilln, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engine% &a. Solo Agents for N. Billion 'e Patent Sugar Boilbi ipparattur, licamythhi Paton ifitearu Ban= ' and As pinwall & WOiSOP'S Patent Centrifuge 'Sugar Dralnlca Machine. att64l EXPRESS COMPANIES. mangle THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, Office Sde OHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Merchandlee, Bank notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or In connection %Ito other Express Companies, to at Übe principal TOWRI end Cities of the United States 111. S. SAM:WORD, %IS Oenciral finnerintendant. sa iw it FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware ea Sara.. Cantu. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Ocsai. pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 Pi.. DI., deliver. lug their cargoes in New York the following days. Freights taken at realsonalilo rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES. Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent. Onl-a.l Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVRR, New York. FOR NEW YORK. Tha Philadelphia Ste= Propeller Oornpany will commence their business for the women on 31oolor 18th instant. Their dormers aro now reireiThis freight et Sato. Pier above Walnut street Terms accommodating. gkgdy to W. M. BAIRD A 00., mhlß 424 Finnth %lowan. A VAnfl. OLD LEAD-8 barrels just received per achoeuer Altalia, for me% by 3AITIIET CHB . CARSTATBS, 202 and 201 &with FRONT fltre.4. pILL-lIEAD PRINTING, B EST and Cheapest in the city, at BINGWALT b BROWN'S, al South THIRD 21:cat. unlpti M THOMAS &' SONS, 4.7-Le Nov. lag and 141 South FOURTH Street (Formerly Nov. 47 aad 61/4 -_ PUBLIC SALES REAL ESTATE ANU STOUB4I, —. • AT THE EXWIANGE, EVERY TUESDAY,. gt 1111 o'clock noon, during the bustmes sensor. • SEAL ESTATE AT PETVATE BALL - We Kaye a large amount of reel estate et ipitoets sale, incledhage very descriptl of city sod eoueley peep Printed thin may be ' lll at the Aargau Mora • ELEVENIH FALL BALE—JANUARY f. Will inclodo the following, Executor'e Bale—Estate of Swan Taylor, dee'd. BRICK -DWELLING AND LOT OF GROUND, southwest cc rner of Montgomery avenue end Belgrade street, Eighteenth ward. Lot 47 by 90 feet - Same Estate—LOT OF GROUND, Belgrade street, by 90 feet. Same ERtnte-5 LOTS OF GROUND, adioining tla abos e, 17 b) 144 feet. Same Estate-4 LOTS OF GROUND, Montgamegif avenue, neer Belgrade street. 13 by 111 feet. Same Estate—LOT OF GROUND, in the reef of the above. For further particulars see handbills and title* graphic plans. Trustee's Peremptory Salo. LOT OF GROUlsiDiFront street, between Vine PM Callan hill streets, No. 234 24 feet front, 40 feet deep. to Water street. Sale absolute. Executor's Peremptory S.•de—Estate of Catherine Ring. ceased. THREE FRAME DWELLING'S, Earl street, north west of Thompson street, Eighteenth ward. Peremptory SaIe.—TABLE . ..STORY BRICK DIVET. LING, No, 132 Laurel street, east of Newmarket street, Sixteenth ward. HANDSOME NEW MODERN DWELLING, N. 2039 Wallace streoi, we.t of Twoutioth. Sale at Noe. 1,19 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PLATE Mtg. ROBS, PIANO-FORTES, BEDS AND BEDDING, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, go This Morning, At 0 o'clock, at the Auction Store, the superior rural furniture, plane-fortoe, microns, Brussels and other car pets, &c., from families declining housekeeping, removal to the /store for convenience of eale. II T Cetaloguee ready the day ortoriotor to sale. Receivers sale by order of the Court. Furniture of the Commercial Agency Rooms. LARGE IRON FIRE PROOFS—SUPERIOR OFFICE On Monday Morning, January 6, et 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Agency ROCIDF, W 0.12 N.rth Third street, without reeerye, b 7 onler of a Receiver, the valuable furniture, ftxtorres, So comprising 4 superior fire proofs, 10 walnut and tail bogary office deal., book racks, with drawers, railing. &c. towing Preeses, dr.e. fir May be examined at any time previous to the Wet AT PRIVATE SALE Shares Mercantile Library. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION NEUCHANT, souther:t corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE BALE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TRIES, The following articles will be sold forless Etuus half tt.li cumal acting price: Sine gold bunting case, double-cave, and loubie-bet. tom English patent lover watches, of the most approve& and beet maker ,a • fine gold double - time English patent lever watches; independent seconds lever watches; Om gold hunting-caso and open-face escapement lever se& lepine watches; horizontal and duplex watchoai silver hunting-cam, double-case, and double-bottom Eagligla patent lever, escapement lever, and lodine watched, alibi most approved and beat makers., doable-case and opus. face silver watches BMW quartier and •sltage-ilaaa watches; fine gold vest, neck, fob, and guard ohahiat' diamond finger-rings and breast-pins; seta of fins goat& jewelry; gold breast-pins, ear-rings, finger-rings, hamar_ lets, penell-cases, pens, and jewelry of every deecrisSc t. spans, pistols, musical instruments, piano-fortes, azel tides generally. MONEY TO LOAN. money advanced liberally, for any length or Maas •greed upon, on gold and elver plate, diamonds, watabsik jewelry, fouling-pieces, mill:deal instrumenta, dry golds, clothing, groceries, hardware, cutlery, furniture, bror" • ding, fancy articles. and on all articles of value. OONSIGNPIRRTS AND OUT-DOOR BALES sew. --- - . Libra matt advances roads on all articlez condign for Bala Personal attention giVOl2 to all oat-door mid, gita WEEKLY COMMUNIOA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YOLK AND LIVERPOOL, calling a WRENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark Paahatigerg and dealatchea. - The Liverpool, New York, and Milled°lptde Stoat ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron nerew skim ebbs aro Intended to sail as follows: FROM. NEW YORK YOB LIVERPOOL. EDINBURGH Saturday, Jan. 4,1469, ETNA Saturday, Jan. U.. RAI:CARO° • Saturday,;an. By. And every Saturday ttmeughout the year, fr om mas No. 44 N.B. - • BATES 0 P PASSAGE THROUGH FRON PHILADELPHIA, Cabin, to Queenstown, or LiverpooL 171. Do. to London, via Liverpool Steerage to Queenstown, or LiverpooL.... jp Do. to London.' Do. Return tickets, available for eta months, Roost Liverpool seg Paesengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, - 111einburs, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rate*. - Certificates or passage Issued from Liverpool to Miff York Certificates of passage betted from Queenstown to MN York Wit These steamers have superior accommodation. for 11y wingers, are constructed with watertight CSlZlpilitt and carry experienced Surgeons. Nor freight, or passage, apply at the onto, of the Onsv MY, JOHN G. DAUS Agent, .ittk LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, AND PHMA ; DELPHIA STNAMSHEf COPIPANT. NOTICE TO PASSE:WEBS. • By order of the Secretary of State, all I;danedvirro keying the United States are required to procure paw porta before going on board the steamer. m6-tt JOHN G. DALE, Agent. gium THE BRITISH AND NOWIII AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL MUM ' SHIPS. PASSPORTS.—AII persons leaving the United Steam - wilt require to have PASSPORTS from the authorities a • their respective conntries, countersigned by the Secretary of State at Washington, or by the Passport Agent Si port of embarkation. mom. NEW - TORS TO LIVERPOOL. - Chief Cabin Passage sill - Second Cabin Peerage - • FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin-Passage WA • Second Cabin Passage The ships from Now York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call it Halifax and Cork How bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA, Cant. Shannon. Art situ, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. Leib*. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Copt. Hooldsr. AIISTBALASIAN,. NIAGARA, Capt. Moons. Capt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt. Antonio& SCOTIA, (now building.) These remote carry a clear white light at Mast-head; green on starboard bow; rod on portbow. AFERICA, Stone, leaves N. York, Wednesday, Jan. I. NIAGARA, Moodie, Boston, Wednesday, Jan. 5. ASIA, Lott, N. York, Wednesday, Jan. I& CANADA, Muir, u Boston, Weineelay, Jut. EL • AFRICA, Shannon u N.York, Wednesday, Jan. V. - Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable far Gold, Silver Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Shwas, or Metals, uidese bills of lading are signed therefor, ad the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or Mk • tag% apply to - B. CUNARD, _ mlet-tf 4 BOWLING GREEN, New York. BOOR AND JOB PRINTING "THE PRESS" BOOK AND JOB PRINTING No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, The attention of the Business Community is per spectfally invited to the New Book and 3eb Print ing Office of Tea Pam, which has been fitted all with New Material, in the most Complete Mann* and is now prepared to execute, in a satisfactory? Style, every variety of Printing. POSTERS, DEEDS, JOHN N. 00P2, CHECKS, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS, BALL TICKETS & PROGRAMMES, BOOKS, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, ??CEOHANTOI6. LAWYERS, AUCTIONEERS, PUBLIC Will be supplied with any description of Printing required, at Short—Notioe and on the std Rea tenable TIMM jillo-ii SALES BY AUCTIOn• DESK 9, d o SHIPPINC. 111 Walnut street, OttiladeiPtda. In Liverpool, to WM. INISAN, Tower Eniktinot. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon gnat. ESTABLISHMENT. PHILADELPHIA HANDBILLS, DRUGGISTS' L A RELS, CIRCULARS. BONDS, MORTGAGES, CERTIFICATES, PAPER BOOKS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER BRADINGB, PAMPTII Y.TS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., Era. OFFICERS, BANKS, RAIL- ROAD AND INSURANOII COMPANIES, Mo.,
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